Remote Hotel

Remote Hotel

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Privacy and Security


As THE REMOTE HOTEL, we respect and attach importance to the privacy of private life. For this reason, we would like to inform you about your rights regarding the use and protection of your personal data within the scope of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as "KVKK").

a) Data Controller

As the Company, we inform you that we process your personal data in the capacity of data controller within the scope of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as "KVKK") and other relevant legislation.

b) Categories of Personal Data Processed

In accordance with the KVKK and other relevant legislation, your personal data in the data categories including identity, contact, financial information, transaction security information, marketing information, call center voice recordings within the scope of audio recordings, security camera recordings within the scope of physical space security, service information, vehicle license plate information, weapon information will be processed within the scope of the purposes and legal reasons specified in this Clarification Text within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.

c) Purpose for which Personal Data will be Processed

Your personal data,

Provision of services and in this context, reservation, execution of processes related to the service and recording the request in the online software systems used by the Company for the execution of sales and marketing policies,

Carrying out the necessary work by our business units to ensure that you benefit from the services offered by the Company,

Measuring and increasing customer satisfaction,

Collecting and evaluating complaints and suggestions, if any, regarding Company services,

Recommending the services offered by the Company to you; planning and/or execution of market research activities for the sales and marketing of services,

Ensuring the legal, technical and commercial business security of the relevant persons in business relations,

Controlling company entrances and exits and ensuring the physical space security of common areas,

Execution of information security processes,

Ensuring the security of data controller operations,

Execution of activities in accordance with the legislation,

Follow-up and execution of legal affairs,

Conducting financial and/or accounting affairs,

for the purposes specified in Article 5 (2) of the KVKK "a) "b) it is mandatory for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the person who is unable to disclose his consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid", "c) it is necessary to process personal data belonging to the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract", "ç) it is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation", "e) data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, f) Provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject are not harmed, data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller".

Your personal data may be processed by obtaining your explicit consent for the purposes of sending commercial electronic messages about advertisements, campaigns, innovations and promotional processes for the Company's services to your contact information that you have shared within the scope of your consent in accordance with the legal reasons specified in the KVKK and the Electronic Commerce Law, and sharing it with third parties from whom we receive services for the provision of delivery.

d) To whom and for what purpose the processed personal data can be transferred

Your personal data will be transferred for the following purposes without seeking the explicit consent of the person concerned in accordance with Article 8 (2) (a) of the KVKK:

It will be shared with the General Directorate of Security in order to fulfill our legal obligations arising from the relevant legislation.

It may be shared with notaries, enforcement offices and/or courts, if necessary, in order to carry out financial and/or accounting affairs within the scope of collection of fees for services.

In order to fulfill legal obligations in accordance with the relevant legislation, it may be shared with relevant public institutions and organizations if necessary or upon request.

Information about your health condition will be shared with the relevant company and/or organization in order to take necessary measures in emergency situations related to your health condition and to provide the necessary assistance through guidance services.

It will be shared with the contracted company(s) in order to provide maintenance-support services for our systems.

In order to follow the legal processes, it can be shared with our lawyers as much as necessary within the framework of the confidentiality obligation.

e) Method and Legal Grounds for Collecting Personal Data

In order to fulfill the purposes specified in paragraph (c) of this text, your personal data are obtained verbally, in writing or electronically by automatic or non-automatic methods, based on the legal reasons specified in Article 5 (2) of the KVKK:

Filling out a form, sending an e-mail message, contacting by phone call, visiting the website and contacting via social media platforms.

Sharing business cards during visits to online sales platforms, tourism agencies, organization companies, fairs or seminars.

Obtained through security camera recordings in the entrance-exit and common areas of the facility within the company.

f) Your Rights under Article 11 of the LPPD

Within the scope of Article 11 of the KVKK, you have rights as a data subject and you can submit your requests regarding these rights by filling in all the information specified in the Data Subject Application Form in accordance with Article 11 and paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the KVKK and the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller,

"Sarıgerme, 2064. Sokak no:17, 48600 Ortaca/Muğla" by coming to our Company in person,

In order to identify your identity and not to provide information to the wrong people, in writing through a notary public or by registered letter with return receipt,

You may send an e-mail to [email protected] by using secure electronic signature, mobile signature or (if any) the e-mail address previously notified by you to our Company and registered in our systems or by other methods to be determined by the Board in the future.

g) Retention Period of Personal Data

The Company deletes, destroys or anonymizes personal data upon the disappearance of the purpose of processing personal data and the expiration of the mandatory retention periods specified under the Laws and other relevant legislation.

h) Changes and Updates

This clarification text has been prepared within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and other relevant legislation. Necessary changes may be made in the said clarification text in line with the relevant legal legislation and / or changes in the Company's personal data processing purposes and policies.